About this project!


If you're seeing this, you're either my art history professor or a random stranger. In either case, welcome to What Is New Media???

This website was made as a final project for ARTH200 as a means to creatively explore the assignment prompt, write about what I would consder key elements of New Media art and visual culture, and practice my HTML + CSS skills. The website was designed with some... creative liberties in the spirit of New Media visual culture and the principles of early web design -- messy but fun and personalized.

Key sources for this project were Lev Manovich's "New Media from Borges to HTML", and Marshall McLuhan's "The Medium Is the Message", with an extra reference to George P. Landow's "Hypertext as Collage Writing" because it's fun and I keep thinking about this parallel between analogue and digital media.

This website was made in about 7 days and is definitely much more work than was required for the final project.

Ari K --- May 7th, 2024